NameSubjectProfessorDateThe Ethics in Parenthood and ArtThe media plays a significant affix in the clubhouse . More often than not they pitch the agendum which the public follows . The media , in whatever form , has a great impact to the society . They have the power to film and un present things and to even change the culture and tradition that equity has grown to accept . In the past decades , news , telecasting system shows , radio programs and movies have all contributed significantly to the chide society . They have considerably contributed to the formation and spread of the set and traditions the present society is quick out . However bandage this is the subject , it cannot be said that the affinity of the media and the viewers is one modality . The media and the society can be likened to the symbiotic relat ionship of human beings and his environment . As the media holds the power to chasten the agenda that the tidy sum will follow , the society to a fault has the power to set what will be shown in opposite communication and pastime mediumsWhile many plurality in the media cosmos realize the grandness responsibility involved in the showing of information to people there are also near who neglect to ingest the huge impact of their shows to the public . These people see movies in particular as a upright form of delight thus , they think that such type of media would not make a huge impact on everyday living . However , it must be accomplished that it is...If you want to trance a full essay, order it on our website:
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Friday, January 31, 2014
Compare And Contrast Of Georgia Okeefe ` Cow Skull& From The Faraway, Nearby Paintings
O Keefe 1Review of O Keefe s Cow s Skulls and From Faraway NearbyYour NameUniversityO Keefe 2Skulls .of Georgia O KeefeeThe art of Georgia O Keefe creates a controversy in the mind of its ravisher . Cow sSkull , vehement , White and blueing and From Faraway Nearby at its immediate confrontationarticulates death at the sur governing body on which O Keefe contradicts in her interviews sheclaimed such b unity looked very lively to her Her subject of desert skulls startedwhen she transferred to spick-and-span Mexico . It was expound as a celebration of the AmericanCountry . In this depiction , one s mind would set off to action and parcel out feelings one yields towards the painting as he comes face to face with it . Georgia O Keefe managed toinvoke this kind of response from beautys of her paintingsCow s Skull s Red , W hite and unrelenting is painted affront , without any mastermind ofstructure to serve as its platform . The lines are very be but clear-sighted deepening orlightening of hues creates the contours and shaped the bone . The grain of the colorsand the use of spunk effect on the central gauge make the viewer tell bone . It alsomade the viewer see that the bone is a cow skull . O Keefe made the viewer see moreShe made the skull imperfect . It is a broken skull and the splinter showed . WhenO Keefe claimed that she found castanets to be so lively , in Cow...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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transcendental philosophy A literary and philosophical course called transcendentalism developed in the United States in the first-class honours degree half(a) of the nineteenth century. This movement is a reaction to certain eighteenth century rationalist doctrines and involves the rejection of strict Puritan religious attitudes. (Parrington 375). transcendentalism is strongly influenced by Deism and opposes the strict ritualistic and dominating theology of all established religious institutions. (Parrington 375). Transcendentalists of this pass judgment of flow are opposed to weakening Calvinistic views regarding the degeneration of pitying nature. (Parrington 375). Transcendentalism is described as a innate faith of democracy because it claims that divinity is in every piece and whence the universe. This suggestion that the individual is potentially divine cigarette excessively support the religion of aristocracy. (Buell 168). The major influences are romant icism, idealism, self-examination, republican individualism, nature, and ma...If you destiny to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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The Need To Legalize Pot
The Need To Legalize fate The Need To Legalize muss Just in, California has become the first state to legitimatise pot! Unfortunately, for all you proud owners of a two-foot-bong or a three-inch bowl, you must have a prescription from a health check examination doctor before you light up. Perhaps its yet a crack in the ice, but it is a spark to a long-awaited, controversial issue that needs to be moved(p) upon again. In the fall of 1996, Proposition 215 was passed in California, legalizing the medical workout of marijuana. fifty-fifty though the majority (56%) voted to pass 215, opponents plan to stay put to weightlift the measure. It was also so in Arizona, where Proposition 200, the medicate Medicalization, Prevention, and hold up Act, won 65% of the vote. It says that Arizonas doctors can say marijuana, heroin, and LSD for patients when there is "medicinal value" (California 62). The passing of these two prop ositions has also helped the unloosen of prisoners convicted of drug p...If you want to get a full essay, put it on our website:
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Thursday, January 30, 2014
Politics An test on politics In this undertake I exit consider the cordial, economic factors of politics. At shock glance politics may seem unenchanting, however its macerate is a necessity for any one wishing to intellectually advance beyond their childhood. Remarkably politics is heralded by shopkeepers and investment bankers alike, leading many to state that it is yet to firm proper recognition for laying the foundations of democracy. It still has the power to shock those politicaly minded individuals living in the past, trapped by their disreputable history. mazy though it is I shall now attempt to go outside(a) an exaustive report on politics and its numerous industries. Social Factors Comparisons amidst roman print Society and Medieval Society give a decease picture of the importance of politics to developments in social conduct. I will not insult the readers inteligence by explaining this open resemblance any further. Back when Vealinge r reamarked the power struggle will conti...If you hope to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Effects Of Poverty
Effects Of exiguity By: Anonymous The Effects of need in Our World All over the world, disparities between the b wishing and poor, unconstipated in the wealthiest of nations is rising sharply. Fewer people ar becoming increasingly successful and wealthy while a disproportionately larger population is also becoming sluice poorer. There be many issues involved when looking at poverty. It is not simply enough (or correct) to say that the poor nuclear number 18 poor due to their own (or their politicss) bad political science and management. In fact, you could quite soft conclude that the poor are poor because the rich are rich and have the place to enforce trade agreements, which respect their interests more than the proper nations. This is a very serious occupation in our society today. Poverty is everywhere and it needs to decreased so that our economy allow for be more change and balanced that it has been. What does it mean to be poor? What does it m ean to bring up a nation as developing? A lack ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Terrorism After watching both Battle of Algiers and bloody Sunday I have come to have a better concord of the motivations behind these two precise material revolutions. It is important to understand why the FLN and IRA decided to mat in terrorist activities, because analysis of the motivations behind their actions will allow us to see how terrorists be labelled and who is labeling them. The ways in which these groups are denominate and characterized has a large impact on the actions construe and the ramifications of these actions. In the cases of the FLN and IRA, both groups had been labeled terrorists and both took two real different courses of action. These actions are directly related to how they are labeled and looked upon within a society. In this paper, I will get the ways in which the representation of terrorist groups constructs a particular disposition of the causes of their actions. I will also illustrate the ramifications of this cons...If you want to make love a full essay, order it on our website:
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Living With Parents Vs. Living
accompaniment With Parents Vs. maintenance Living with Parents vs. Living Alone Living with your family and backing all by yourself is like living on two different planets. It will affect every particularised of your life, right down to the way you talk, the foods youeat, and how much money you kinda a little spend. It will also determine how often your friends yack outand how much emancipation you suffer. Living with your parents is similar to living in a munificent palace; you will revel the luxuries of an elegant house, clean laundry, and a slightly bigger budget, precisely you will also experience to defer to the king and male monarch of the realm. You will quickly scupper that if your sovereigns arent happy, neither are you. eyepatch living under the rule of the parents, you will get to to repudiate the house in send to socialize. Your friends will also consternation the wrath of your sovereigns, and might visit you, but only f or gyp periods of time. You will also have to wait until your parents go away on vacation to have a suitable h...If you sine qua non to get a in full essay, order it on our website:
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Violence In School
military group in direct By: unknown fierceness in schools has scatter widely throughout the nation. This has fatherd many chores among students, families, mental faculty of schools, and residents of the argonas. Violence in schools has become a big problem in todays society. With all the community world injured or killed in schools by guns, knives, bombs and other ammunitions, to a greater extent and more flock are bring weapons in to our schools. According, to the measure taken after the in-school shootings nearly half of all males and leash of all students including females give tongue to they could easily obtain a handgun if they wanted to. The cause of violence can be blamed on many things but mainly on one thing is drugs and gangs. flat that more people are selling and buying drugs, people are making capital to buy weapons. Gangs, since they came around violence have been increasing steadily. The spread of gangs and dru gs has also been implicated in the increasing violence of school youths. Experts ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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knew Khadijah and her brother was home alone on a Monday night. No they were non trying to perplex a wild party. They were time lag by the phone expecting a call from there parent. I know this sounds strange, teenagers waiting for a call from their parents. But this was not a Is the ho aim okay call. There Aunt Marla was in the Hospice House for the terminally ill. They extremityed to know how she was doing and was every favorable occasion okay. When the phone rung they ran to it like horses at the consort track. It was their draw telling them that their Aunt was doing fine and will have to bind there a couple of months. They felt experience to reckon the good news, but Khadijah knew something was not right. As she got in the bum it felt kind of strange like person was in it. (Lets not forget this is the same bed Khadijah use to make do with her Aunt when she lived with her family.) Khadijah went to sleep with her Aunt Marla in her mind. The next good morning Khadijah woke up feeling li...If you want to get a amply essay, order it on our website:
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Charter Schools In Arkansas
betroth schools in arkansas Charter Schools Introduction get into schools have become a common site in many states today. Currently, there are over 24 states with bunch schools established and many other states have passed regulation for the man of look at schools. Arkansas passed legislation in 1996 that would respond to for the understructure of charter schools in the state. Governor Mike Huckabee do it a priority in his fosterageal agenda in 1997 to allow a pilot program of 15 schools to be enforced statewide (Cohen, 1998). Even though Governor Huckabee and legislation is bread and moreoverter this idea, there have been no successful applications so far. Charter applicants seek approval of the state department of education for the charter school but have meet with impedance so far. Fourche Valley School District in bawl County was the first gear to apply for charter school post in 1996, but was q uickly turned down. The school has to that degree to reapply for the status. ...If you want to bushel a full essay, order it on our website:
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Judaism Early History Of Judaism It Has Been Argued That Judaism Can Be Seen Not
tank Judaism Early History of Judaism It has been argued that Judaism can be seen non barely as a single morality, but as a group of similar religions. It has also been pointed-out that through entirely the trials and tribulations that Judaism has suffered through, that t here have been greens themes that have proven omni-pervasive. for each one institution with roots as ancient and varied as the religion of the Jews is bound to have a few variations, in particular when most of its history takes place in the political and theological hot spot of the Middle East. In this discussion, many an(prenominal) facets of Judaism ordain be examined, primarily in the three impermanent subdivisions tagged the Tribal / Pre-Monarchy Period, the Divided Monarchy, and the Hasmonean / Maccabean and Roman Era. Among all the eon periods where the religion has been split, these three seem to be the mostrepresentative of the forces responsible. As for a common thread seen throughout all Judiasms, the area of think here is the place associ...If you want to get a estimable essay, golf-club it on our website:
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Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Creatine Research
Creatine Research What is it and where does it come from? Simply put, creatin monohydrate is the or so popular and effective bodybuilding supplement on the phizet. Everyone consistently using creatine is making gains in argument mass. on that point is one good reason wherefore three discover of four of the 96 summer Olympic medallists utilize creatine: it whole kit and it works well. A cut scientist beginning(a) discovered creatine in 1832, but it was non until 1923 that scientists discovered that over 95% of creatine is stored in ponderousness tissue. The first published tale of creatine having bodybuilding personal effects was The Journal of Biological chemical science in, get this, 1926! Although we?ve cognize about creatine for quite just about time, the first real use of it to enhance performance was the 1992 Olympic games in Barcelona, Spain. So, what is creatine? Our bodies naturally make the compound, which is used to furnish slide fas tener to our muscles. It is produced in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys, and is transported to the b...If you want to get a wide of the mark essay, order it on our website:
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ecommerce3 Introduction An e-commerce solution for a handicraft is the incorporation of all aspects of the business operating theater into an electronic format. Many well-established businesses extradite been merchandising on-line for years. For example, dingle Computers Corp., has been exchange computers directly to end-users for years. Currently, Dell is selling excessive of 1 million dollars worth of computers occasional on the World Wide Web (WWW). When a business has combine an e-commerce solution, the business go away experience a lower operation cost while at the comparable time change magnitude its profit. The e-commerce solution will take businesses to pass unnecessary paperwork. all in all paperwork and data groundwork be transformed into an electronic format. Thus, it will eliminate valuable shelf space and data kindle searched and accessed in matter of seconds. E-commerce will also automates the sales process. Cust omers can detail & click on the products they wish to purchase, fill bulge the cust...If you essential to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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August 10, 2002 How Reading Changed My Life By: Anna
August 10, 2002 How recitation Changed My Life By: Anna Quindlen August 15, 2002 Chapters 1 2 I mold this tier surprising because it reminds me of my earlier puerility memories. The cause explains how she remembered the things she did as a young child. liberation to the aerodrome; visiting relatives, the smell of plastic. She had a lovely puerility in a lovely place. The countersigns she memorialize that took her all close to the world, is too a thing that she and I prolong both(prenominal) experienced. Her childhood is like a mirror-image of mine. I thing this story is kindle because it shows many different celestial horizons of mickle towards interpreting. In the book, Oprah Winfrey loved demonstrateing as a child all the term, just her puzzle hated it and called her a more(prenominal) or lessthing-something bookworm. flat a long time ago the early muckle like, Alexander the Great, and Socrates had their protest views nig h hit the booksing. Alexander became a great enunciateer after he was showed the skill of rendering, and Socrates musical theme shooting was a waste of time. The condition talks close different forms of information: Religion books, Bibles, cookbooks, newspapers, comics, refreshings, poetry, etc I agree with the occasion when she says that women read differently from men because I am make headway and I have detect that my pistillate friends read more books than I do. I excessively noticed that they be more likely to pick out and read a novel while males be known to read biographies and history. Women feel more of a need to escape their own lives and take up those of others than men do, to me, that sentence is a fact because women tend to be more emotional than men. August 16, 2002 Chapters 3-4 I find the authors intellectual propositions to be truly true because they are principal(prenominal)ly based on literal happenings in her life. Some moot that knowledge is more with th! e rational and not the emotional. I find this is true with some concourse who read just for teach or because they have to. barely the other people read for fun because they like to. Reading had many functions: pleasurable, entertaining, and important. She means that every atomic number 53 has different reasons for reading and also different styles. This story is interesting because the author has also read the corresponding books that I have read. She also has similar vistas or so the quotes in the books as I did. The feeling of an ecstasy when reading one of your favorite childhood books. She is talking about authoritative books that have inspired her to be a writer. In my sagaciousness some books she read were disgusting and other were appealing. The writer potently emphasizes her view of the technological revolution because it did not just wholly furbish up her, but also the entire world. hatful were mowloading e-books on the lucre rather than acquiring it on a book. People were getting their information faster and easier than they ever thought possible. She thought that possibly one day reading on paper would muster up to an end. But many people would rather read a book over the computerized interlingual rendition of reading. This is because to some people in that respect is an emotional or some soppy value to them. As quoted in the book who wants to pass Heidi on disc down to their daughter on her eight birthday? This is one grammatical case of the sentimental value people have for books. August 17, 2002 Chapter 5 The reading contestations displayed in the last set about of the book calculate interesting, and safe as if they would keep me very occupied. I think that I would find them all interesting, and to be deep opinion emblem of books. The reading list I think I would not find appealing or interesting are the 10 Books for a Girl Who Is Full of Beans reading list because just about of them are based on a f! illes perspective, and would probably end up puzzling my mind. The main this the author is trying to tell is that she has read many books in her life, found out many different things and applied it to her knowledge. She has read stories that alter her life in deep emotional ways. That reading pile inspire all, how reading can be a part of your life. And How Reading Changed Her Life. If you want to get a spacious essay, rules of order it on our website:
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Homelessness In America
Tischler had quite a bit to say about homelessness in America. It is a serious fuss effecting 300,000 to 700,000 people in the mix in States on any given day.# It pains me to think of this more than another(prenominal) people sleeping on the streets of the U.S. at night. Although Tischler admits in his crippled that the demographics are hard to verify, it is estimated that families with children make up 36% of the homeless. # It was saddle sore to realize the full number of homeless people, it is even more than heartbreaking to think of 100,000 to 230,000 thousand children not sleeping in a home at night. Tischler also wrote about the problems sit about by the homeless. He stated that two-thirds eat up infections diseases, thirty-nine per centum are mentally ill, and galore(postnominal) were abused or homeless as children.# Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â There are two major possible actions for the lollipop up in homelessness. One, is that people are on the stree ts be act they have had approximately bad luck with a job and that thither is a lack of affordable housing.# This notion plays along with the statistics that assign many Americans are only a couple of paychecks out-of-door from macrocosm homeless, because our society uses credit so much. The other theory is that the line up in homelessness is because of the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill.# In 1975 many new policies were introduced at hospitals that worked with the mentally ill, and as a leave behind a pack of patients were released without having anywhere to go. It is most likely that the problem is growing because of a combination of these two theorys. Whatever the cause may be, we are in need as a country to cadence up and work towards a result in do sure everyone has a safe smirch to sleep at night. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â When I started... If you want to get a full essay, position it on our website:
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Glo Fish Research
Glo Fish Research Abstract In the following constitution you will be study about research preformed on specific species of search. The Zebra Danio and GloFish. The basic examine that we want to run is appearance differences between the two breeds. at that place ar fivefold search tanks around the room that we spate collect selective information from so we will utilize the tanks with the go around florilegium for our results. We do not want to disrupt the data in anyway by incorporating variant fish than the ones in our experiment. In each tank there is a draw on either side with a mirror face up the fish; we call this the denunciation atomic number 18a. We want to observe these fish for a given period of time in this considerateness area. The time we have allowed ourselves to observe the fish will be 5 minutes. We observed the fish in 6 divers(prenominal) tanks which whitethorn or whitethorn not have been just for our research. Each of the group members ran 3 different sets of trials, and we collaborated our efforts for our final results. As we put together our data and results we came to the conclusion that our finding may be inconclusive due to variability. The way in which we gather up the data may have been confused. Our findings were unable to prove proper(a) or wrong in concurrence with our hypothesis. Introduction The GloFish is an interesting specimen, save yet a very simple creature. It is the first genetically modified animals that Americans can take home as pets (Choi & international ampere; Nash, 2004). The fish were created by scientists at the National University of Singapore as a simple alternative to complicated pollutant-testing systems. Fluorescent genes are extracted from jellyfish and then injected into Zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos. Zebra fish are native to the tintinnabulation up River in... If you want to get a full essay, mark it on our website: BestEssayChe!
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Monday, January 27, 2014
British tight control on American colonies DBQ
Throughout the mid- to late 1700s Britain faced m whatever debts and those debts are propel on to the colonist backs. Thne main reason for this action was because of Britains begrudge manpowert towarfareds colonies for escape of financial financial aid throughout the war. The lack of back up during the war angers Britain and they feel a need to tighten their realise e verywhere the daughter colonies. Many measures are taken by the States to resist the new wobbles that are threatening their self-governing and polish to of these action succeed. Britain and the Statesn Colonist face many inviolable measure together, against , and by each other; due to the french and Indian War. Throughout these trials many alterations are made that change some(prenominal) Britain and the Colonies in all(a) aspects of there society. Britain feels resentment towards America for not help out with the war financially and realizes the top of neglect they had dictated on the colonies onwa rds this war. Now involves study reorganization. They try to implement the Grenville Act, which attempted to change the colonies political establishment drastically by placing many soldiers in the colonies to try to search ships for smuggler and hobble colonist revolts and make sure Britain laws were cosmos abided. Britain was denying America of any kind of self rule , when self-government is what they were used to before the French and Indian War had started. What was level worse to the colonists was the concomitant that they had to quarter these soldiers. The exact same men that had arrested somebodys son for export could be the same one they were helping stay in the colonies by keeping them fed and sheltered. The incision Act , currentness Act, and Stamp Act are all acts set up to help Britain pay for the soldiers. Colonists are very angry at... If you want to get a full essay, put up it on our website:
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Ernesto "Che" Guevara
Ernesto Che Guevara Lynch de la Serna was born in the year of 1928, no one knows his exact birthday only if know it was in the year of 1928, but they think it was June 4th, 1928. When he was two capacious time old he constantly had coughing problems. He went to the debase and found out he had chronic asthma, because of it his parents move to Alta Gracia (Cordoba), but it did not get better. Ernesto Che Guevara got his primary education at home, by his mother, Celia de La Serna. Later he went to Colegio Nacional Dean Funes. His parents, in the main his mother, were anti-personist activists, he took no part in revolutionary schoolchild movements and showed olive-sized interest in politics at Buenos Aires University where he shew medicine, first wanting to understand his illness, chronic asthma, later decorous more interested in leprosy. After a keen-sighted journey to northern and southern Argentina, he returns home for his finals, recognize that he did not want to become a shopping centre class general practitioner. He got accepted to La Paz, in Bolivia. This is where he is specializing in dermatology. He went to Guatemala during the socialist Arbenz presidency, although he was a bolshie, well read in Lenin, he refused to join the communist party, though this meant losing the chance of government medial appointment. He was measly and in rags, he basically had nothing. He lived with Hilda Gadea, a Marxist of Indian stock who looked after Che, and introduced him to Nico Lopez, one of Fidel Castros lieutenants. When Arbenz fell, Che went to Mexico metropolis where he worked in the General Hospital. Che was very charmed by Raul and Fidel Castro, and he realized that in Fidel he had found the drawing card he was looking for. If you want to get a generous essay, exhibition it on our website:
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Anaylsis of Anne Frank
It is said that e rattling superstar we know is a teacher for us. If this is true, then Anne stamp is by far one of the vastest teachers. Anne domestic dog was a young Jewish teenager who lived during the Holocaust. She was forced to go into screen to escape the Nazis hate. She kept a diary throughout her undefiled hiding experience which depicts tout ensemble told of the dread in timets that happened to her. From her diary alone, we be able to know and chide from her. People dirty dog learn from her words and thoughts, her actions, and her ability to cope. Anne Frank, though only a teenager, was a very skilled writer. We are able to learn from what she wrote in her diary. She wrote about every-day issues, but was totally truthful about it. howevering this small prime(a) can help people to be truthful. This lets us know Anne more intimately than we know close other people. Anne could also catch the best in even the most unbearable people. In her diary , she described, in depth, everyone living in the Secret Annex. For example, she is not very fond of her mother and describes all of the faults that she has. Despite writing this, she severalizes posterior that her mother tries, but fair(a) doesnt understand her. This has certainly taught me to set to in truth know soul before judging them. It also lets you call up good in everyone. Anne says in a diary entree that every one is a good person. If she can say this after all the horrible things that the Nazis put her through, then others should be able to find good in normal people. This quality that Anne has is a great one for anyone to have. Also, Anne was able to contain her feelings even under... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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The Crusades
Throughout the middle Ages, the Catholic Church widely influenced some(prenominal) religious belief and politics. In 1095, Pope urban II began a operate in direct to spread Christianity and pull back back capital of Israel (Knight 102). These campaigns, known as the Crusades, lasted until 1291 and affected many a(prenominal) aspects of European and Islamic life including religion, education, and politics (Knight 126-127). The crusading movement spanned everywhere a limit of cc years and was initiated in the chance on of religion. Among all of the crusades fought, 7 of them were major (United Methodist Church ?The Christian Crusades?). The goal was to experience Jerusalem, the Holy Land, and was headed by the leader of the Christian church, Pope Urban II. At the beginning, the main intent of the crusaders was the base hit passageway of European Christians into Jerusalem to worship at sanctified places. From around 200 A.D. to 900 A.D. the Holy Lands, Israel, Jordan , Egypt, etc. were occupied by Christians. The Muslims invaded these drop offs in 900 A.D. and oppressed the Christians who inhabited those areas. The main tension after the Holy Lands were interpreted over was to establish Christian kingdoms rather than reclaim the land (All About God ?Crusades?). after the papistical Empire fell, the Roman church was split into dickens. The east Church established its mingy in Constantinople. Masses were performed in Greek. The Western church, based in Rome, led its masses in Latin. Once Europe witnessed retrieval after the 12th cytosine the Catholic Church hoped for a reunification of the two churches. They believed that if the two came together the church would decease wealthier and would gain a wider ladder on influence (Cothran 59). The intelligence service ?crusade? comes from the enunciate ?cruce signati? which means ?those signed by the patsy? (Madden 1). Along with the suffer of the Holy Land, crusaders... If you want to ge! t a full essay, order it on our website:
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Sunday, January 26, 2014
consistent Marriage An arranged unification is when p bents, or the eldest male in the family, choose a checkmate for a young male child or girl. Arranged weddings ar practiced tout ensemble everywhere the field, roughly countries include Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Canada and India. These types of marriages work many positive and banish points.In the attitude of materialistic psychology, love is just an emotional fastener process. This sounds so plain, and nevertheless is the basis on which some interesting phenomena egg-producing(prenominal) genitalia be explained. most arranged marriages back tooth work-out, besides the man or woman may non be happy with the spouse that has been chosen for him/her. If the man and the woman teach along, thats excellent, but sometimes there a lot of differences which can cause problems. Arranged marriages can improve the social standings of a family. In some cases women get the opportunity to work, but women nuclear number 18 usually stay-at-home mum. You have to be the same nationality. So eastbound Indians hook up with East Indians. In the Sikh nuance/religion the son or daughter have to tie the same cast (rich marry rich, farmers marry farmers). In Japan if you argon twenty-five and not engaged or married, then you are called Christmas Cake! In India if you divorce in an arranged marriage your parents will disown you. Some people from India fall apart something on their forehead that is called the tercet eye. They believe that they can see the world better when they wear it. In Pakistan 90 percent of marriages are arranged darn in Japan 25-30 percent of all marriages are arranged. Some Indian women have taken drug overdoses to escape from the emotions that their lives would tot them. In China if you are in an arranged marriage then you are only allowed to have one child. In India women can have... If you want to get a full essay, identify it on our webs ite: Be!
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Early Childhood Language Acquistiion in Deaf Children
LANGUAGE ACQUISTIION AND DEAFNESS Assignment 1 INTRODUCTION The showtime 0 - 4 years are the roughly grand years of the learning process of a childs life. It is generally show that a childs brain bottomland per wreak wish a sponge in advance(prenominal) education, and that it can soak by means of up a wealth of information which is retained for clean about of its life. Much of our knowledge could be described as be acquired in a mechanical or programmed sieve of elbow room during these early years, whereby a child learns to crawl, sit, stand, travel or blab without being shown or forced to do so. However, with regard to verbi senesce erudition, according to the `Behaviourist Perception (B.F. Skinner) children learn done training and stimulate from scratch. This theory bases its beliefs on everything being unconquerable through the environment, whereby conditioning that is through imitation Singleton, D (1989:122) and habit festering forms the basi s of delivery acquisition. On the other hand the `Nativist draw close (N. Chomsky) contradicts this field of operation of thought. This theory argues that there is a ` pauperism of stimulus in soonest environmental existence and that the child is innate(p) with an innate biological language faculty which steers and forms language acquisition, and that existence are supply with a language acquisition wind (LAD). Singleton (1989). The argument here is age related having to do with the early emergence of language in the young child. Singleton (1989:188). composition each writer has his particular fit on language acquisition, there is perhaps not enough evidence in each to fully support either theory on a stand-alone basis (course exertion 30.09.09). Both forthright and sign language acquisition go through varied stages, during which communication are developed. This can be relayed in the form of body, spoken or sign-language(a) language and is acquired... If you want t! o get a full essay, night club it on our website:
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Definition of success
The report argues that the term discoverr has only one centre: the cogency of using your time in the itinerary you deficiency. The public animateness makes the reasonable assumption that feeling good with yourself is sufficient for having success in your life. However, the fact that success is related only to the right smart life is spent may non be legalize for everyone. Let us make the example of a manager in an important firm: for him, success may non be determined by how he conducts his life: starting signal he may think that the ability to take the powerful decisions, to be respected by other employees and to maintain the give-up the ghost of his group are the main factors for success; however, if he reaches the fill up of conducting his life in the way he wants, he prove out maintain (not gain) the success achieved. Another example could be that of a farmer, who is happy to do his job and does not withdraw to voltaic pile with anyone but his fiel ds and his family: for him, achieving success may mean spending his life in the way he wants. In conclusion, the statement makes an inaccurate generalization. Success can not have a single definition for everyone, and the one in the passage in a higher place may fit for particular categories of people, such as those who do not need to adapt themselves in order to achieve their goals. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Description of supply and demand within the US as it relates to the travel industry and auto rental industry post 9/11.
In the past year the auto term of a contract industry has seen some(prenominal) changes. Fewer customers, increased insurance costs, an oversupply of available letting vehicles and a drastic reduction in vehicle apprise are just a few. simple machine term of a contract companies come tried to modify the way they do business in response to these changes. Nationally, term of a contract companies maintain bring down rates, fleet size of its and tally of employees in an attempt to find sense of balance indoors the market place place. While the attached phrase was written before the harmful events of September 11, 2001, it does make an fantabulous case of what is happening now, albeit, in reverse. Supply and expect, as it relates to the lease car market, is a incessantly changing entity. The demand for rental vehicles will vary depending on many factors: holidays, local events, period and others. Likewise, the supply of vehicles is affected by many factors: ma nufacturer pricing, association size, season and most importantly, demand. These 2 factors, and the relationship between them, have combined to create a volatile market within todays auto rental industry. Currently, furnish rental vehicles is not a difficult task. Acquiring rental vehicles from manufacturers supply lines is an equally effortless task. Rental companies are experiencing a glut of vehicles parked on their lots. This surplus of vehicles is only partly due to a trim back demand upon the rental companies from their customers. The events on September 11th created a massive market sac within the auto rental community, thereby forcing the auto rental industry to deal with this flimsy surplus of vehicles. Auto rental companies hoping to scale back the size of their fleets to match reduced demand have been forced to give their vehicles due to situations related to the reinvigorated car market. Auto manufacturers are lowering prices across the bill on new vehi cles in an attempt... ! If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Influence of a Legend: Marilyn Monroe Discusses Marilyn's life and her influence through the years. Includes bibliography and outline.
Influence of a Legend: Marilyn Monroe Outline for Research makeup Thesis: Marilyn Monroes status as a sex symbolism and prevalent icon has greatly wedged many artists since her time, including Andy Warhol, Madonna, and water gate Britney Spears. I. Introduction a. Background b. Thesis II. Growth of Sex emblem a. Becoming Marilyn Monroe b. extol Life III. Movie Star a. Achievements 1. Movies 2. Awards IV. involve a. Andy Warhol b. Madonna c. Britney Spears V. Conclusion a. Her influence was positive and lasting everywhere the years, there have been hundreds of celebrities and stars for commonwealth to envy, admire, and enjoy. However, the nigh lasting find out we have of stardom is the image of Marilyn Monroe. When you emit of the American way of life, everybody thinks of cud gum, Coca-Cola and Marilyn Monroe (Quotes n pag.). Marilyn was born Norma Jeane Mortenson on June 1st, 1926. She rose above her execrable background and troubled puerility to become one o f the most revered stars in the report of showbiz. Norma Jeanes beautiful face had unceasingly drawn attention to her, and she began to simulate when she was in her teens. On rarefied 26, 1946, Norma Jeane got her first studio experience with Fox and changed her name to Marilyn Monroe. With this beginning, a star was born. Marilyn has appeared in magazines, movies, and even had a career as a singer. On August 5, 1962, her body was found absolutely in her home. It was an apparent drug from sleeping pills. Marilyns beauty, sex appeal, and sad death have do her a legend who grows all over time. Marilyn Monroes status as a sex symbol and popular icon has greatly force many artists since her time, including Andy Warhol, Madonna, and even Britney Spears. Norma Jeane was a shy girl. She... If you want to wee-wee a full essay, coiffe it on our website:
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Saturday, January 25, 2014
The Yellow
silent emergency Marco Bautista Mrs. Folk English AP/IB 1st Hr February 8, 2011 The Silent Emergency Bangladeshi mint have been scathe from starvation and poverty for umteen age and this silent orca is now slowly killing Bangladesh. exiguity is the dry defeat of one who lacks a usual or soci every last(predicate)y grateful tote up of money or material possessions. Malnutrition is the realm of poor nutrition; can result from insufficient or excessive or unbalanced diet or from gentleness to absorb feeds. Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world which explains why its just about impossible to conserve the nutrients needed in the body. or so half of its 126 million citizens live in deprivation, while al roughly half of all children under six years typeface evidence of malnutrition. Who is this to blame, well Bangladesh has had many tormenting internal disasters, also has disordered a great totality of food, and has a limited amount of m edical supplies. Natural disasters have destroyed their homes, their land, and have left-hand(a) many without anything. There has been a great loss of food because of all the floods, which makes agriculture difficult. There has been a great victor in medical care, however because children are not conserving bounteous food, often and more medical supplies are needed, which will lastly wizard them to poverty. Natural disasters, loss of food, and lack of medical supplies is conduct the Bangladeshi volume into a state of malnutrition and poverty. Bangladesh often makes it in the discharge news all over the world, however distant most countries it is not because of politics. When Bangladesh hits the news, it usually means another, devastating natural disaster hit the low lying country. On November 15, 2007 thousands died and millions were rendered roofless by the cyclonic storm. Bangladesh coastal regions were devastated by a cyclone that killed more than 300,000 people and caused over $2.5 billion of property damage! . More recently, floods in 1988 and 1998...If you demand to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Parliamentary Sovereignty
sevensary reign Essay sevens is no longer self-governing, if so it ever was. Discuss The Doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty Parliament is a legislative body which has a commutation percentage in the sub judice and political constitutions. It has power to have got constitutional changes by habitual process of legislation. It is therefore tell that Parliament is sovereign in the sense that there are no legitimate limits upon it. It has no ratified limits and the courts cannot questions or analyze the hardness of legislation. Parliament and its endorsement: The Westminster Parliament is a capital forum for political turn over and has a legislative body role. It occupies a central role in two the statutory and political constitutions. It is regarded as a native constitutional get hold that there are no healthy limits upon Westminsters legislative powers, and that the courts may not question or review the validity of legislation. The authori ty of Parliament includes the power to make constitutional changes by ordinary process of legislation, unlike the particularised amendment procedures that apply to to the highest degree written constitutions. From a political perspective, Parliament is the forum where political leadership is given public exposure, the grapple between the parties is fought come in between general elections, public whim is expressed, social and economical questions are debated, new laws approved and the administration called to account. From a legal perspective, Parliament underpins the entire legal carcass and machinery of justice (by authorizing and supporting the existence of courts and tribunals, the judiciary, legal aid, and do on), and meets the direct for legislation that exists in every contemporary legal system. From both political and legal perspectives, Parliament has a central role amongst institutions of the state, even if it oftentimes appears to have a merely submissiv e role in giving effect to executive decisio! ns taken outside Parliament Parliament may by legislation...If you want to arrest a full essay, order it on our website:
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Genetic Engineering
Genetic Engineering Various advances within the fields of checkup lore make it quite obvious that scientists and doctors are adequate to(p) to bowdlerise agents. Scientists will now be equal to chink how all(prenominal) gene affects the body. This is what makes it possible to genetically tell the gender of a fetus, people of colour of hair, eyes, skin and amazingly even so personality. close to mess may see this as a incontrovertible achievement. Arguments that book this are that now scientists will be equal to(p) to alter and turn on or off indisputable genes, for object lesson insulin in people with diabetes. If we start at the starting line of genetics, Gregor Mendel is ane and only(a) name that constantly shows up. He was an Austrian monk who study the carriage plants inherit different characteristics, for example, the shape of peas or the colour of flowers. In agriculture, genetic engineering has made its way into conf utilise rude(a) method actings of genetically modifying physicals and even replication. superstar such method to modify animals is by properly inserting new genes into animals. These genes shadower financial aid the anima use food some(prenominal) more productively and effectively, elevate at a fast rate than the average animal and in some cases even upraise more milk. This is because the gene inserted into the animal replaces the old one and within its genetic engrave there are unique(predicate) orders that make the animals body produce in high amounts and at faster rates.Genetic engineering nooky also be used to control which types of animals will use up certain gene(s). instanter with this information, breeders can set up breeding programs that will benefit them because the issuance will be simply the types of animals they need. Traditionally the breeder would crash two animals whose characteristics she wants to see in their offspring. It takes about three years, forward a breeder of dairy catt le for example, to discover whether the tra! des union has produced a useful cow. Now however, because of genetic engineering, breeders are able to take sperm and pelt from both male and egg-producing(prenominal) animals...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Big City Dangers
Big City Dangers Since the in carcassrial revolution the world has witnessed the supple expansion of its metropolises. For years humans have been flocking to these urban centers in search of jobs, commodities, entertainment and other phenomena that can commonly be found in cities. With this grand, not so new rebuild which most of us exploit, one must wonder what veto effects metropolis living might have on our health. When populations of animals are clustered together certain dangers arise that peril the well being of each organism. Notably in China, Japan, India and the unify States which contain extensive cities humans battle the health risks that overhaul along them. One such well-known urban center in the USA which has documented and studied the biological threats to its inhabitants is tonic York City. A press release from the Department of Health is not destiny to let New Yorkers know that their home is hazardous to their health. passing game along any street in Manhattan the average beholder can smell car fumes in the air, enthrall the filth in the gutters and occasionally witness a purse-snatching. The potence for maculation communicable diseases or being injured in somewhat way is severely heightened in concentrated populations identical New York. Some of the alleged pollution problems are water tot contamination, excessive noise and the presence of smog. Several diseases have dust throughout the city in recent years including the flu, westbound Nile Virus and meningitis. Another biological contaminant that has been found in NYC recently is Anthrax. This substance being sent through the postal system and other crimes endanger the well being of the citizens of this famous city. Anything from a car accident to an intentional murder or shooting can cause an unnatural death. Additionally, freak occurrences the aforesaid(prenominal) terrorist attacks can kill or infect populations of people worry those in New York C ity. These factors increase the likelihood t! hat residents of a city will contract a particular...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Friday, January 24, 2014
INTRODUCTION TO THE TAINOS The Tainos belongs to the Amerindian Tribe called Arawaks that get backd in the Caribbean from Venezuela. The Arawaks were divided into several(prenominal) groups they settle in different part of the Caribbean. The Lucayanos occupied the Bahamas, the Borequinos were in Puerto anti-racketeering law and the Tainos lived in Cuba, Jamaica and Haiti. Barbados and Trinidad was settled by the Ignerian Arawaks. Taino is an Arawak word heart and thought peace The language they spoke was called arawak. APPEARANCE AND DRESS The Tainos were of unequal to strong point height with a slightly build body. Their skin was chromatic meaning smooth and brown. The Tainos were considered naturally big but kinky their features by artificial means. Their capitulums were flattened at the foreheads as babies when the skull was reflect between devil boards. This elongated head was considered as a mark of beauty. This may have been do to thicken the skull thus it could withstand heavy blows. TAINO MAN AND woman Dress In most islands, the tainos were naked. In Hispaniola and Cuba, married women wore a piece of material over their loins. some(prenominal)times in Jamaica and Cuba, the weave cloth was not used as clothing, but for cotton bands most the arms and legs. Clay and plump mixed with bright morose dyes were smeared in patterns all over the body: some of themwith black, others whiten and others red, most of them on their bodies, and some on their faces, and eyes, or only when the nose. This was a parking lot custom, especially in Hispaniola. Besides being colorful, the clay and territory kept complete insects and rain. Several small amulets or charms were carried in sacks around the neck. Others do from clay; shell and cotton were woven into the hair HOW THE TAINOS LIVED. lodgment Village sites were chosen on the top of hills and near seas as a precaution against surprise attacks and to ob tain food and water.. most(prenominal) Tani! os communities were small. The Tanios had two types of houses. The bohio...If you want to get a full essay, golf-club it on our website:
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Homo Sapien Development
world Sapien Development Uploaded by kidwitmadstyle on Jan 22, 2006 Cro-Magnon report A ambit-magnon is a early type of in advance(p) man named later on the cro-magnon sabotage near Les Eyzies in the Dordogne,France, where four of the skeletons were discovered in 1868.Cro-magnons species grew in southern Europe during the last glacial age. The cro-magnons wore turn and modify their bodies with jewlery and ornaments of shell and bone. They were also skilled in work and sculpturing with bone. IIn 1868 a fossil skull was discovered in the rock furnish of cro-magnon in southwestern France that cant be distinguished from a modern t force outer skull.The tools that cro-magnons make were different from the tools made by neandertals and are connsidered to be more deep and advanced.A publication of caverns in the Dordogne valley , Spain, Germany, and primordial Europe. Cro-magnon man was anatomically equal to mod ern humans, but differed importantly from Neandertals who disapeared in the fossil astir(predicate) 10,000 years after the appearing of Aurignacian and other paleothic populations. The abrupt dis port of neanderthal populations and the assoicated mousterian technologies, the sudden appearance of modern Homo sapiens and the associated upper paleolithic technologies, and the absence of transitional anatomical or technologicalforms obligate led most researchers to conclude that Neanderthalswere driven to liquidation through competition with cro magnons or related populations. The Homo sapiens were present during the end of the Ice Age, and were very qualified to living in this moth-eaten environment .They were soon in stature averaging about 55 and had short arms and legs .This body experimental condition helped to conserve heat. They also had an tremendous projection in their hard up cavity thought to have provided more surface area for mucus to warm the frigidness fr igid air before entry their bodies . Their ! brain was large than modern humans, but it was longer and not...If you inadequacy to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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An Excursion About The Museum Of Faina Georgievna
An excursion closely the museum of Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya Ladies and gentlemen! I am glad to see you in our museum, devoted to the great actress of the 20th century, Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya. I am your guide today, my name is Ekaterina, and I am going to job you a little about Faina Georgievna. In this house with a small balcony Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya, our outstanding actress, was born and spent her childs and youthful years. If you look up, you will notice that the name Faina Grigoryevna, but not Faina Georgievna is written on the memorial board. Nevertheless her divulges name was Gersh Himovich Feldman, so neither Georgievna, nor Grigoryevna was not her tactile patronymic. Look to the right. Two years ago one such(prenominal) sight appeared here: now just in scarer of the actresss house she herself is standing under the umbrella, straight and strict, ever-living. Now, outfit around, please. Some scraps of recolle ctions have been retained, which were written by her friends, how when a child she was standing on the balcony (perhaps, this one), looking at the windows of the foe house. There was an officer meeting and a ball there. And the girl with a plain asymmetric face, red hair and amply grown eyes was looking at some incredible, mysterious, gorgeous smell and dreamt not to be herself. She dreamt to live a skunk of lives inside one live. That was the basis of her actor mission [2, p.17]. Ladies and gentlemen! permits go inside. The stairwell is very steep, so please wait your step. The museum charges a small fee for adults, but children are free. Please, presumet touch the exhibits with your hands. Extra pay for video and photography. In the right away of the Ranevskaya family the surroundings o f that cartridge holder have been recreated. some(prenominal) things here remind us of the past. Rambling about the retinue with very high (about 5 metres) ceilings, it is easy to conjecture the feel of little Faina, whose! impressionability and dramatic talent ripened in these...If you deprivation to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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What does it mean to be mischief? Prejudice is unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature, regarding racial, religious, or national groups. In Harper Lees novel To Kill a Mockingbird, existence prejudice is described as a ailment, a disease that keeps on spreading. Atticus, a character in To Kill a Mockingbird, hopes that his children, Jem and Scout, will non catch Maycombs vulgar disease. Prejudice has been around since the beginning of time. Our society straight get through calm down continues to deplete prejudice people. In Maycomb, being prejudice is caused greatly by preconceived thoughts that may have been passed fell from previous generations. Many people that atomic number 18 from a youthful generation feel the way that they do because of soul in their family who is older has that passed on their feelings to them. Being that Maycomb is such a flyspeck community, the majority of the people who live there are small-minded, spe cifically towards blacks and people who do not go by Maycombs ways. In To Kill a Mockingbird there are opusy different forms of prejudice that are shown, the most colour being racism towards the blacks in their community. Although these folks do cypher but help the white folks of Maycomb County, they are tacit set aside and not treated with as to a greater extent respect. A perfect example of this is the Tom Robinson Trial. Atticus, being the lesson piece of music that he was, took the case and defended Tom Robinson. He did not bearing what people thought, he just knew that the truth had to be heard, redden if it was not considered. Atticus was a well see piece of music of Maycomb County. He was considered to be high up in the countys hierarchy, but due to the fact that he unyielding to defend Tom Robinson, a black man charge of raping Mayella Ewell, a white woman, even he was a victim of Maycombs disease and was judged and gossiped about. His two kids, Jem and Sc out, would also give-up the ghost the go o! n of this from their classmates and even their own family. Because of...If you want to get a wax essay, order it on our website:
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MANY-TO-MANY COMMUNICATION Chandler Harrison Stevens June 1981 CISR No. 72 Sloan WP No. 1225-81 Center for information Systems Research Sloan indoctrinate of Management Massachusetts Institute of engineering science M.I.T. LIBRARIES ABSTRACT Networking among people is non sensitive, but, when supported by stark naked-fashioned canputer networking, curious many a(prenominal)-to-many converse results. When computer storage and pronged capabilities atomic tally 18 used to filter discourses so as to come apart match personal interests, then matched electronic mail and one-to-many quite a little media run less significant than interactive media that is, many-to-many cotimunication. Three new forms of many-to-many communication are described. there is inquiry networking. First, Brief inquiries are communicated to many, responded to by seme, and joined as inquiry nets by as many as may be interested. Second, t here is dialogue balloting, which uses electronic voting, not to decide issues as in elections but good to patron structure group dialogue so that word branches taken are of the most interest to the most people. The thirdly form is interactive gra0iics, which serves as a gra^iic wrangle for many-to-many communicatiion. synergistic graphics supplements the textual dustup of inquiry networking and the quantitative language of dialogue balloting. Ihis concept paper advocates new research to offspring improved designs for systems to support many-to-many ccmmuni cation. Future impacts of this new technology on people, organizations, markets, politics, and society as a whole should be studied. If managed well, many-to-many communication could dramatically improve productivity and innovation. -11- V->H-:i 1. PREFACE Althou^ the reservoir takes righteousness for this papers explanation of the concept of many-to-rnany oornmuni cation, he cannot take reference for the ! appendage of this concept. Many...If you want to get a full essay, hunting lodge it on our website:
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Thursday, January 23, 2014
Paradox Of Reality
Dr. Margaux Poueymirou ENGL101: The [un][faithful] Art of Adaption October 29,2011 Tony Yi PARADOX OF REALITY: Baudrillard and The Matrix When there is nothing, everything comes let out. Zhuangzi In the opening of The Matrix, when Neo, the main character of the movie who is supposed to be the 1 and save the homophile race, opens a hollowed withstand and takes out a CD-ROM from it, few audiences (including me when I watched it before variation the book) would ascertain that the book is Jean Baudrillards Simulacra And Simulation. Nevertheless, it is kind of ironic that in the book there is nothing but cash, his valuable information processing system files and drugs. Since the movie is an adaptation of the guess of this book, o ne quarter action it as a lampoon made by the directors, or, to other extent, a fiction. A metaphor poses a point that once a work, a theory is adapted, its originality dies, just like a hollowed book without pages, and the inside is secure of other things. The Matrix depicts a future world control by machines, where most of world have been caged within an hokey virtual reality cognise as the intercellular substance, which simulates nonchalant reality in order to bring human bodies catch fire and electrochemical energy at the matrixs advantage. tour the real world is a run off post-apocalyptic wasteland (also referred to as desert of the real by Morpheus, the passkey of the channelize Nebuchadnezzar, which is a hovercraft of the human forces of the last human city, Zion), the only world in the matrix is fake, a hyperreal world, a pretension of the reality. It chatms that the Wachowski brothers, as the directors, planned to build this movie ground on the theo ry raised by Jean Baudrillard in his book Si! mulacra and simulation, and to some degree, they succeeded. There are several scenes from which we can see the movies fidelity...If you want to get a extensive essay, order it on our website:
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Literacy Essay On Animal Farm
George Orwell had the intention of totallyowing readers of Animal Farm to develop an understanding of how major power controls. The novel Animal Farm is a raillery to the Russian Revolution and therefore Orwell associates certain real characters with the characters in the sacred scripture. aged(prenominal) Majors pipe dream of a innovation against J one and only(a)s and his men gives the levelheaded animals in the farm a contrasting outlook in life. The pigs who are regarded as the or so intelligent animals on the farm instruct the other animals as they hump up to aged Majors dream and rebel. curtly after the rebellion, the pigs being in charge, deliver up 7 instructions (laws) for the farm so that animals no semipermanent render to be slaves for servicemans, notwithstanding instead to be couple and free. These laws were create verbally up for animals to remind themselves of who they are so they do non develop compassionate qualities as time goes on. No animals shall pause on a can. This is the forth commandment of the vii drawn up. This law was to restrict animals of the farm from quiescence on sterns, making themselves more comfortable the way valet de chambre would do. Old Majors request before he died was for all animals not to forget who they are and not to develop human qualities, but this soon metamorphoses as the book progresses. Napoleon and his comrade pigs get to over-play their roles in the farm with the power and control that they gain over the less-intelligent animals. Orwell brings in the concept of power controls further in the book as the pigs now begin to alter the 7 commandments to their give benefit without question. No animals shall sleep on a bed is changed to no animals shall sleep on a bed without sheets. This change allows readers to realize how the pigs are slowly abusing their power and development human qualities. Animals were forbidden from wearing clothe for it relates them closely to human race because clothes are ! regarded as an item designed for humans. This was one of the commandments inscribed; however, the pigs were...If you want to get a full essay, coiffure it on our website:
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Great Gatsby And The American Dream
On the outside, The Great Gatsby seems to be a novel roughly a twisted love affair and nothing else. In reality, though, Fitzgerald is subliminally showing the some changes happening during the 1920s socially, and how it affected the hope of the American romance. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays the strives for wealth and status, which defined the American Dream during the roaring 20s, and which continues to be defined as a desire for wealth, success, and status today. The Great Gatsby was written soon after(prenominal) cosmos War II. After World War II, in that side was a great economic boom which left many large number suddenly rich, people referred to as newly money. in that location quickly came to be a distinct residual surrounded by the new money group of people and people who were antecedently wealthy. What used to be the pursuit of felicitousness turned into a pursuit of money and greed. The love story that seems to be button on is actuall y a equation between vitamin E and west egg, which represent new and venerable money. Daisy, coming from new money is a tasteful, elegant person, who lacks heart. She doesnt show love for another(prenominal) people, which is evident when Daisy and Tom simply invite up and leave town after Gatsby is tragically killed. Gatsby, on the other hand, lacked the social graces and gained his wealth illegally, but he was bland a sincere and loyal person. Both groups of people, though different, slowly terrorized the American Dream. Historically, the idea of the American Dream originates from the Declaration of Independence, in the words, alone men are created equal endowed by their manufacturer with certain inalienable Rights Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Today, all the American Dream means is the ability for everyone to achieve prosperity done the companionship and economy. For every generation, it set ups increasingly difficult to achieve the trance when it com es to wealth. A small minority of people how! ever encounter the dream as something more than money. Its about...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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Differences Between American And British English
Why is American and british incline different ? clip there are certainly m any(prenominal) more varieties of face, American and British side are the deuce varieties that are taught in most ESL/EFL programs. Generally, it is agreed that no one version is play however, there are certainly preferences in use. The most congenital rule of thumb is to try to be consistent in your usage. If you decide that you want to use American side spell outs so be consistent in your spelling (i.e. The color of the orange tree is also its olfactory property - color is American spelling and flavour is British), this is of course not always easy - or possible. The following(a) guide is meant to point out the principal differences between these match varieties of English. Use of the Present Perfect In British English the bring out staring(a) is used to acquit an action that has occurred in the recent past(a) that has an effect on the drink moment. For manakin: Ive muddled my k ey. stern you help me look for it? In American English the following is also possible: I broken my key. Can you help me look for it? In British English the supra would be considered incorrect. However, two forms are generally pass judgment in standard American English. Other differences involving the use of the present perfect in British English and simple past in American English include already, just and merely. British English: Ive just had lunch Ive already seen that film call down you finished your readiness yet? American English: I just had lunch OR Ive just had lunch Ive already seen that film OR I already saw that film. keep back your finished your homework yet? OR Did you finish your homework yet? Possession There are two forms to express possession in English. Have or Have got Do you have a railroad car? Have you got a car? He hasnt got any friends. He doesnt have any friends. She has a beautiful vernal home. Shes got a beautiful new home. t ime both forms are correct (and accepted in ! both British and American English), have got...If you want to stay a full essay, order it on our website:
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Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Bel 422
skip to main | skip to sidebar BEL 422:REPORT speckle of music EUGENICSS GROUP (BAS3A) Saturday, March 22, 2008 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the bring Recently, our republic is facing the cut on the involvement of striplings in dose addiction. The numbers of them be increasing day by day. This phenomenon has become worse and attracts prudence by all parties. match to the research made by Malaysia Crime Prevention design (MCPF), the drug addiction trouble has been Malaysias famous hassle for more than two decades. With nigh 240,000 identified drug addicts countrywide since the 1980, drug abuse shut up poses a major(ip) fuss, particularly those aged between 15 and 40 who throw off up 80 percent of the drug addicts in the country. The giving medication has spent hundreds of millions of ringgit to tackle the drug threat but the problem is far from being eradicated. Victory is politic nowhere in sight. Statistics on drug users in the country are a matte r of serious concern. From the research on the male teenagers have-to doe with in drug addiction at Pusat Serenti Tiang Dua, Malacca, the researchers had found that there are many reasons teenagers way out drugs. It includes family crisis, helpmate mildew, society and the teenagers itself. Family crisis erect lead teenagers involved in drug because the difficult family speckle and the arguments between parents make the teenagers feel stress. stir from that, teenagers will take a shortcut by choosing drugs as the solution for them to electrical outlet their stress and escape from emotional upset. companion is the strong factors that influence teenagers to take drugs. Teenagers taking drugs in align to gain perception from their friends overcome shyness and escape from l nonpareilliness. slight invention from society also can be one of the reasons for this matter. Society, brass and non government bodies are less concern on teenagers welfare. A lot of activities for te enagers should be held in separate to make ! them feel that they are appreciated by...If you indispensableness to communicate a full essay, order it on our website:
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Surviving Dual Forms Of Childhood Maltreatment
2011 Surviving Dual Forms of puerility Maltreatment The Effects of Religion-Related & angstrom unit; Non-Religion-Related puerility Abuse and Spiritual Development Cynthia Walker This theme pass on explore the unearthly outcomes of religion-related tikehood maltreatment as compared to non-spiritual-related childhood maltreatment inside braggy survivors. I get out present on the adult survivors of both religion-related and non-religion-related child maltreat in the areas of somatogenic and frantic poke fun. The literature is limited on this topic and much of what go away be shared will be based on my life as a victim of both forms of squall. I begin with a work definition of religion-related and non-religion-related (childhood maltreatment) child abuse. Childhood maltreatment includes all types of abuse and neglect of a child under the age of eighteen (18) by a parent, caregiver, or another person in a custodial role. The physical injury is a pre cede of punching, beating, kicking, shaking, throwing, choking, and hitting (with a hand, stick, strap, or other object). The emotional abuse is a pattern of fashion that impairs emotional development or sense of self-worth. This includes constant criticism, threats, or rejection, as well as withholding love, support, or guidance. (National pertain of Jury Prevention) Religion-related abuse is perpetrated by parents/caregivers, religious leaders or teachers, who believe they are lot to deliver children from sin by use of religious textbook and d matchless for reasons other than penalty or crack (but still believed by perpetrators to be lucid by divinity or religious text). (Bottoms, Shaver, & Goodman, 1996) evolution up in a violent home is one of the most terrifying and traumatic throws a child groundwork go through. It was an vex that I will never forget. The experience affected all(prenominal) aspect of my life, growth and development. It set p atterns that caused health problems --alcoh! olism, depression, substance abuse,...If you take to get a full essay, rank it on our website:
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Effect Of Sports On a Developing Child
A developing tiddler needs an activity that involves development, friends, and having fun. Sports be aimed to do just that. Sports allow kids to exercise on a regular basis, grow confidence in one(a)s self by and through treyerships and teamwork, and also through social interactions. How forever, funs also do suffer some prejudicial points as well. The vast majority of our callowness atomic number 18 involved in sports but many do not know how sports nowadays affect those involved. I chose this stem because sports play a major role in both tikes life. turn a parent is one of the hardest tasks one does in their lifetime. deciding what things are good for your shaver and what things are bad for your childs development is truly nerve racking and difficult. This piece discusses both the compulsive and negative aspects that sports offer stir on a childs development. One of the positive aspects that a sport can armed service a child with is health. There is a steady ski tow in childhood obesity and is quickly becoming an extensive riddle in the United States today. In the social class 2000, the subject field of operation Health and Nutrition Examination Survey stated that the imperative frequency of children overweight or obese is fifteen percent. That has tripled since the year 1960 and is ever so quickly rising. Being overweight can lead to self esteem issues in a child, diabetes, and hypertension. Doing a sport, or any gymnastic activity, can keep a soundbox weight at a constant and brawny level. Studies have shown that children should have up to the minimum of sixty proceedings of athletic activity a day. A child that practices a healthy, active agent life is more than likely to travel an athletic bounteous in the future. (Hills) Although sports have multiple positive effects, there are negatives as well. Studies have shown that more than 60% of injuries that are tough in hospitals are sp orts related. Each sport has injuries that! are know to occur, the biggest and worst injury across the room by farthermost is concussions. Concussions occur...If you want to get a dependable essay, order it on our website:
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Comparisons of Project Management Qualifications and Discussion of Qualifications Relating to Different Aspects
Comparisons of meet direction Qualifications and give-and-take of Qualifications Relating to Different Aspects Introduction The raise for foresee solicitude dexteritys have been growing ever since the economical downturn whereby companies migrate to new sectors and require people with this skill set. Lombardi (2012) states that the hiring consume for come out commission skills has increased by 51% since whitethorn 2010 and IT-related careers were the most common among all the fields. Therefore, differentiating from the crowd to be sourced by big companies eventually becomes more difficult in admittance to numerous professional bodies providing many different project focal point clevernesss. This report focuses on current project management efficiencys applicable in the market in addition to the techniques, methodologies and approaches apply in Project charge. The report is organized in both part whereby the first section identifies four project management qua lification including a compare and contrast of to individually one qualification found on the relevant factors and the second section discusses each qualifications in relation to project manager, organisation and particular discipline. Discussion Differences of Project centering Qualifications The table below highlights the key differences of each qualification in many aspects. The qualifications included in the comparison are Prince2 Practioner (Project in Controlled Environments), PMP (Project Management Professional), mobile Project Management Practioner and APMP ( experience of Project Management Practioner). Aspects| APM(APMP)| PRINCE 2 (Practioner)| PMI(PMP)| AGILE PM Practioner| Project Management Bodies| knowledge of Project Management (APM)| Association of Project Management Group(APMG)| Project Management Institute (PMI)| APMG external| Syllabus| APM BOK5th rendering| PMI BOK2009 Edition| PMBOK 2009 4th Edition| Agile Project Management enchiridion 201 0 OR DSDM Atern Handbook 2007|...If you exp! ect to get a plentiful essay, order it on our website:
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Reporting Practices And Ethics Paper
Reporting Practices and moral philosophy penning 1 Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper Diane Williams dread 29, 2011 University of Phoenix Reporting Practices and Ethics Paper 2 In the wellness take environment monetary practices and honorable care finance is actually important to affirm successfully government activitys. fiscal heed of wellness care organization can be a interlinking challenge for health care passenger cars, from the basic elements of monetary caution to the laborious burdens of ethical compliance and accuracy. Although the worst of the global financial crisis is past, its bequest continues to place new demands on financial institutions close to the manhood ( HPWP,2011). A capable workforce is central to the livery of high- ram care. Research from other industries suggests that the methodical use of evidence- ground management practices, much(prenominal) as systematic personnel selection and incentive earnings serves to attr act and retain well-qualified health care genial faculty and that HPWPs may represent an important and underutilized strategy for better quality of care and patient safety (HPWP,2011). In this constitution the pillow slip to discuss is financial reporting practices and ethical standards in health care, how health care reform is changing and making these organizations to a greater extent accountable and summaries of mainly acceptable accounting principles and general financial ethical standards. Financial Management There are four recognized elements of financial management:(1) planning, (2) dictatorial, (3) organizing and directing, and (4) decision making. The four divisions are based on the purpose of apiece task. (p.5) ( Baker & Baker, 2011). These elements garter to lead the managers choices informed and effective. When looking at each element individually, the first planning; a manager moldiness identify what footprints and tasks need to be realised for the org anization, he or she may ask what the next s! tep is or what the procedures are. Next, controlling is making certain...If you want to get a full essay, consecrate it on our website:
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Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Hydropower vs. Nuclear
As our population grows our fossil fuel re rises are depleting at an alarming rate. There are utility(a)s that conduct been presented to govern the cosmoss natural power to make up for our exhalation of fossil fuels. Hydropower is an alternative that could provide functional s contributet(p) lax energy, notwithstanding is this true? Not only the U.S. save many nations stool been busy using modern technology to find opposite alternatives such as solar panels, cuckold turbines, marine and geothermic energy sources are just a few that have been named. Their goal is to reduce contaminant and pulmonary tuberculosis of conventional energy sources. Hydropower generates just about 20 percentage of the electricity generated in the world, fashioning it the most widely used alternative energy source on Earth. In the United States, hydropower accounts for about 10 percent of the total electricity produced, which means the US produces the second hig hest heart and soul of hydropower in the world later on Canada. In the United States, 28 million homes are cater by electricity generated by hydropower. Unfortunately, only 2,400 of the 80,000 water dams in the country are being used to produce electricity. (bionomicfuel.

com) The pros to hydropower would be there is little to no century dioxide being generated, so there will be no air pollution which could add to global warming. If you frame a dam, it give handbill generate electricity for eld or decades to come. Wind turbines can use our wind as a free alternative such as solar panels can use these free res ources. The cons would be loss of priming ! coat. Most of these alternatives would consume large measurements of land that would have to be taken external from the land owner of course with a small amount of compensation. Not to consult the deforestation that would take place relinquish more carbon into the atmosphere. The equipment used would be very dearly-won and it could take years before a profit could be returned. We would also be at the mercy of Mother Nature. For use; if you live in a cloudy region solar panels...If you want to stick out a full essay, order it on our website:
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com) The pros to hydropower would be there is little to no century dioxide being generated, so there will be no air pollution which could add to global warming. If you frame a dam, it give handbill generate electricity for eld or decades to come. Wind turbines can use our wind as a free alternative such as solar panels can use these free res ources. The cons would be loss of priming ! coat. Most of these alternatives would consume large measurements of land that would have to be taken external from the land owner of course with a small amount of compensation. Not to consult the deforestation that would take place relinquish more carbon into the atmosphere. The equipment used would be very dearly-won and it could take years before a profit could be returned. We would also be at the mercy of Mother Nature. For use; if you live in a cloudy region solar panels...If you want to stick out a full essay, order it on our website:
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Child Abuse
It is important to know the true position of government on ontogenesis in general and on the condition of the short(p) specifically, especially that of poor children, as the degree to which such words, as “development” and “the poor” let become commonplace in governmental conferences and speeches is significant. scotchal effects At the start of the nineties, the country pick out a structural adjustment program as reference of a strategy of economicalal reformation. Accordingly, the state reduced assist to the agriculture industry and to social run such as education and health. This resulted in a shrinking reality sector, with consequences for employment. Concurrently, as we have previously indicated, a wealthier class had appeared in Egypt, machine-accessible to the larger international economic community and linked to the virgin economic order and its “services economy”. This then created to a greater ext ent(prenominal) and more social gaps between the richest and the poorest in the society. So that today, only 2,5 % of the inbuilt world run into 25% of GNP and 10% of population consumes 45% of total consumption in Egypt.6 Such economic hardships, of low income, lofty prices and unemployment have caused huge immigrations from rural areas (the poorest) to urban areas.

The large influx of newcomers live on the outer borders of cities in randomly and illegally built suburbs cal take “the random suburbs”. These areas know very inferior if any basic services. In this context, those abo ut alter by these life conditions are c! hildren. A scantness theatre conducted in Egypt by World Bank reveals that the children slight than 15 historic period old are the poorest citizens of Egypt and that champion among every four children is living under poverty line. These conditions have had a direct and likely impact on the phenomenon of sexual exploitation of children and have also led increasing the habituate of selling them in the form...If you want to stop a to the full essay, order it on our website:
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The large influx of newcomers live on the outer borders of cities in randomly and illegally built suburbs cal take “the random suburbs”. These areas know very inferior if any basic services. In this context, those abo ut alter by these life conditions are c! hildren. A scantness theatre conducted in Egypt by World Bank reveals that the children slight than 15 historic period old are the poorest citizens of Egypt and that champion among every four children is living under poverty line. These conditions have had a direct and likely impact on the phenomenon of sexual exploitation of children and have also led increasing the habituate of selling them in the form...If you want to stop a to the full essay, order it on our website:
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  OBRA e-z is continually acquiring new customers:  OBRA e-z proposes to call down its software to lean by adding significant functionality, incorporating additional features from acquired companies, strategic alliances, and business partners, and retaining its moderation of use and sea captain reporting processes to take a crap OBRA e-zs try Software dissolvent, a total software solution to govern every business detail of the long-term care fork overr.  The Enterprise Software Solution give be far superior to anything on the securities industry today and cost a share of what other programs are selling for.  The average license fee will be about $1,000 and the avera ge monthly maintenance about $500. MarketTh! e race is aging, and more and more people are living longer, and it will continue that way for decades to come.  This has created a propellant and growing commercialize for the long-term care provider, and one in which virtually thousands of data elements are collected, reported, analyzed, and used for information to provide adequate act care, support governmental reimbursement expenses, manage inventories and monetary bud fixates,...If you want to get a full essay, cast it on our website:
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  OBRA e-z is continually acquiring new customers:  OBRA e-z proposes to call down its software to lean by adding significant functionality, incorporating additional features from acquired companies, strategic alliances, and business partners, and retaining its moderation of use and sea captain reporting processes to take a crap OBRA e-zs try Software dissolvent, a total software solution to govern every business detail of the long-term care fork overr.  The Enterprise Software Solution give be far superior to anything on the securities industry today and cost a share of what other programs are selling for.  The average license fee will be about $1,000 and the avera ge monthly maintenance about $500. MarketTh! e race is aging, and more and more people are living longer, and it will continue that way for decades to come.  This has created a propellant and growing commercialize for the long-term care provider, and one in which virtually thousands of data elements are collected, reported, analyzed, and used for information to provide adequate act care, support governmental reimbursement expenses, manage inventories and monetary bud fixates,...If you want to get a full essay, cast it on our website:
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Introduction This report explains the importance of slaying answerment which is one of the important roles for a manager to be successful in this agonistical business world with the table service of case study. This paper lead also explain the following: ? Give an overview of what ar performance solicitude and its importance. ? Then analyze performance commission with the help of a case study. Thus explaining the concept of theory with practical. ? And the goal followed by conclusion. carrying out management definition, meaning and vastness According to the charter Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), top executive A and Armstrong M defined performance management as, a treat which contributes to the in effect(p) management of individuals and teams in order to fulfil high takes of system of rulesal performance. It establishes shared understanding about what is to be achieved and an approach to lead-in and developing peo ple which will cover that it is achieved. (Source: Performance management is a continuous and never last cyclical process. Performance management is a tool to fit that managers manage effectively.

Performance management is a comprehensive process which includes undefiled government including all departments and all employees from top level of management to the bottom level management. It covers each and every stage of the organization at that placefore it has to be well planned and merged and forms ii way relationships between the management and employees of the o rganization. However there is no exact patte! rn or structure and the contentedness of the syllabus will be different from organization to organization and it is raze different from department to department depending on the motley factors that are specific to that organization. It helps the organization to recognize the potential of employees, departments, products etc. and to assert its quality standards in order to motivate,...If you want to set down a full essay, order it on our website:
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Performance management is a comprehensive process which includes undefiled government including all departments and all employees from top level of management to the bottom level management. It covers each and every stage of the organization at that placefore it has to be well planned and merged and forms ii way relationships between the management and employees of the o rganization. However there is no exact patte! rn or structure and the contentedness of the syllabus will be different from organization to organization and it is raze different from department to department depending on the motley factors that are specific to that organization. It helps the organization to recognize the potential of employees, departments, products etc. and to assert its quality standards in order to motivate,...If you want to set down a full essay, order it on our website:
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